Emma Wahlberg
Biolog och konsult
Biolog och konsult
Biologist and consultant

Emma Wahlberg, PhD.

Entomolog / Entomologist

Jag har en solid grund och ett stabilt fotfäste i de biologiska vetenskaperna, med en forskarutbildning i systematik och evolutionsbiologi. Med noggrannhet och en stor kärlek till forskning och kunskapsbildande har jag byggt upp en akademisk karriär som ger stor nytta även inom andra privata och offentliga sektorer. Jag brinner inte bara för biologin och naturvetenskapen i sig, utan även för att dela med mig av kunskapen genom utbildning och undervisning. Jag är etablerad både i Sverige och internationellt som sakkunnig inom flera områden, som entomologi (läran om insekter), taxonomi och systematik (organismernas namn och släktskap) och analytiska metoder och publicering.

I have a solid foundation and a firm footing in the biological sciences, with a PhD in systematics and evolutionary biology. With thoroughness and a great passion for research and knowledge, I have built an academic career that is also very valuable in other private and public sectors. I am not only passionate about biology and natural science per se, but also about sharing the knowledge through education and teaching. I am established both in Sweden and internationally as an expert in several areas, such as entomology (the study of insects), taxonomy and systematics (organisms' names and relationships) and analytical methods and publishing.


Vetenskap och kunskap / Science and knowledge

Konsultationer / Consultations

Specialist inom entomologi (läran om insekter). Rådgivning, utredning och forskning inom biologi och biodiversitet. Artbestämningar och inventeringar.

Specialist in entomology (insect science). Consulting, investigation and research in biology and biodiversity. Species determinations and inventories.

Faktagranskning / Fact checking

Granskning och korrektur av texter och annan media med inriktning på biologi, evolution och naturvetenskap generellt.

Review and proofreading of texts and other media with focus on biology, evolution and natural science in general.

Utbildning / Education

Utbildning och kurser i faunistik, evolution, fältarbete och insamling. För varierande förkunskaper och mot olika mål.

Education and courses in faunistics, evolution, field work and collection. For varying prior knowledge and towards different goals.

Anpassade tjänster / Custom services

Övriga tjänster beroende på önskemål, behov och målsättningar.

Other services depending on objectives, needs and goals.

Kompetens / Qualifications

Jag har både specifik kunskap inom biologi, framförallt entomologi, och en bredare kunskap inom kommunikation. Jag har även praktiska färdigheter i publicering, statistik och fotografisk bild.

I have both specific knowledge in biology, specifically entomology, and a broader knowledge in communication. I also posess practical skills in publishing, statistics and photography.

Artkunskap / Species knowledge

Taxonomi / Taxonomy

Systematik / Systematics

Evolution / Evolution

Biodiversitet / Biodiversity

Utbildning / Teaching

Fältmetodik / Field methods

Statistik / Statistics

Desktop publishing / Desktop publishing

Textbearbetning / Text processing

Faktagranskning / Fact checking

Vetenskaplig fotografering / Scientific photography


Titel / Title:
The project aims to continue the previous research conducted on the diversity of Swedish thrips (Thysanoptera), where large gaps in knowledge is still present. This project will focus on the family Thripidae. The methodology will involve systematic fieldwork, DNA barcoding, and modern imaging in a coherent format for all families. The project aims to map and describe Swedish thrips species, convey knowledge and data to researchers, decision makers, students, and the general public, and provide modern tools for identification. This will lead to the knowledge of Swedish species, records of their names and distribution, and how they are recognized. The project targets researchers in taxonomy and ecology, students in taxonomy and systematics, and amateurs in entomology. The project also aims to train new taxonomists with special skills in thrips identification. The project will require the examination, photography, and analysis of physical specimens, both in museum and private collections as well as newly collected material. Collection will be focused on previously undersampled regions and wetlands, both freshwater and saline, of different character. The results will be presented as updated checklist, taxonomic and systematic revisions and modern interactive identification keys.
Anslag / Funding: The Swedish Taxonomy Initiative.

Svenska insekter (http://arthropoda.se/svenskainsekter/). En digital bestämningsnyckel till sveriges insekter. Riktar sig till amatörer och studenter. / A digital identification key to Swedish insects, in Swedish only. Aimed towards amateurs and students.
FACEPAI (& CaPReSe) (https://github.com/emmawahl/facepai). Fast And Consistent Environmental-DNA Processing And Identification (& Conversion and Preparation of Reference Sequences).

• 2020. PhD: Disputation date: 24.04.2020. Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, Sweden.
Thesis title: Systematic and taxonomic revision of Scandinavian Empidoidea (Insecta, Diptera), with emphasis on the Swedish diversity of Empididae and Hybotidae.
Subject: Systematic Zoology.
• 2014. MSc: Examination date: 12.03.2014. Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, Sweden.
Thesis title: Tracing the ancestral distribution of Chimarra (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae) with descriptions of 7 new species from Malawi.
Subject: Biology.
• 2012 BSc: Examination date: 21.08.2012. Department of Zoology, Stockholm University, Sweden.
Thesis title: Profiling airborne insects: altitudinal dispersal and seasonal variation in the Hymenoptera.
Subject: Biology.

• 2023–. Forskare / Researcher. Department of Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden. Externally funded research on Swedish Thysanoptera.
• 2019–. Huvudredaktör / Editor-in-Chief. Swedish Journal of Entomology. Swedish Entomological Society, Sweden. Editing and layout of their scientific journal.
• 2022–2023. Taxonomisk expert / Taxonomic expert. The Norwegian Taxonomy Initiative. Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre, Trondheim, Norway. Expert in panel for review and assement of project proposals.
• 2021–2022. Postdoktor / Postdoctoral researcher. Department of Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden. Externally funded research on Swedish Thysanoptera.
• 2020–2020. Lärare / Teacher. Department of Biology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden. Teaching at faunistic courses (undergraduate level).
• 2020–2020. Förste assistent / Senior assistant. Department of Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden. Sorting and determination of collected insect material.
• 2015–2020. Doktorand / PhD candidate. Department of Biology, Stockholm university, Stockholm, Sweden. PhD candidate in systematic zoology, on phylogeny, taxonomy and diversity of Empidoidea (Diptera).
• 2018–2018. Förste assistent / Senior assistant. Department of Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden. Curation, processing and registering of wet collections.
• 2017–2017. Jourhavande biolog / Biologist on duty, substitute. Department of Teaching and Communication, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden. Answering questions from the public and media.
• 2015–2015. Förste assistent / Senior assistant. Department of Zoology, Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden. Sorting and determination of collected insect material.
• 2012–2013. Laborant / Laboratory analyst. Eurofins Environment Testing Sweden AB, Microbiology, Stockholm, Sweden. Microbiological analysis of water samples.

Wahlberg, E. (2024). Dagens natur: Rovtripsar – små och glupska. https://www.artdatabanken.se/arter-och-natur/Dagens-natur/rovtripsar--sma-och-glupska/.
Wahlberg, E. (2024). The Swedish Aeolothripidae and Melanthripidae (Thysanoptera) with a redescription of Rhipidothrips niveipennis Reuter, 1899. Taxonomy 4: 163–183.
Wahlberg, E. (2023). A modern workflow for non-destructive DNA extraction and slide preparation of thrips (Insecta, Thysanoptera) for taxonomic studies and collection deposition. Norwegian Journal of Entomology 70: 1–5.
Wahlberg, E. (2023). Rhipidothrips brunneus (Williams, 1913) (Thysanoptera: Aeolothripidae) ny art för Sverige, samt ett nytt landskapsfynd av Thrips menyanthidis Bagnall, 1923 (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Entomologisk Tidskrift 144: 47–51.
Wahlberg, E. (2022). Rörtripsar – överallt men sällan sedda. Fauna och flora 117: 36–39.
Wahlberg, E. (2022). Artfakta: Digital artbestämningsnyckel för tripsar. https://artfakta.se/artinformation/taxa/3000178/artnyckel/30619.
Wahlberg, E. (2022). Dagens natur: Tripsar i blommor, svampar och död ved. https://www.artdatabanken.se/arter-och-natur/Dagens-natur/tripsar-i-blommor-svampar-och-dod-ved/.
• Ivković, M, Sinclair, B.J. & Wahlberg, E. (2022). The century old taxonomic confusion surrounding Wiedemannia zetterstedti Fallén and related species is resolved (Diptera: Empididae): Revision of the W. zetterstedti group. Insects 13: 460.
Wahlberg, E. & Gertsson, C.-A. (2022). Identification key to and checklist of the Swedish Phlaeothripidae (Thysanoptera). ZooKeys 1096: 161–187.
• Rhodén, C. & Wahlberg, E. (2020). The phylogeny of Empis and Rhamphomyia (Diptera, Empididae) investigated using UCEs including an over 150 years old museum specimen. Evolutionary Systematics 4: 21–33.
• Ivković, M., Wahlberg, E. & Previšić, A. (2019). Molecular phylogenetics and biogeography provide insights into the subgeneric classification of Wiedemannia Zetterstedt (Diptera: Empididae: Clinocerinae). Systematic Entomology 44: 559–570.
Wahlberg, E. (2019). Revision and morphological analysis of the Ragadidae (Insecta, Diptera). European Journal of Taxonomy 521: 1–19.
Wahlberg, E. (2019). Kartläggning av tvåvingar med miljö-DNA – mer än bara en fluga. Fauna och flora 114: 20–26.
Wahlberg, E. (2019). FACEPAI: a script for fast and consistent environmental DNA processing and identification. BMC Ecology 19: 51.
Wahlberg, E., Rhodén, C. & Johanson, K.A. (2019). New records of dance flies (Hybotidae) and dagger flies (Empididae) in Sweden and a significant addition of genetic barcodes of the Swedish empidoid fauna. Entomologisk Tidskrift 140: 133–144.
Wahlberg, E. & Johanson, K.A. (2018). Molecular phylogenetics reveals novel relationships within Empidoidea (Diptera). Systematic Entomology 43: 619–636.
• Shamshev, I., Wahlberg, E. & Soltész, Z. (2017). New data on the genera Allanthalia Melander, Chvalaea Papp & Földvári and Leptodromiella Tuomikoski (Diptera: Hybotidae) from the Palaearctic. Russian Entomological Journal 26: 161–168.
Wahlberg, E., Espeland, M. & Johanson, K. A. (2014). Seven new species of Chimarra (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae) from Malawi. Zootaxa 3796: 579–593.
Wahlberg, E. & Johanson, K. A. (2014). The age, ancestral distribution and radiation of Chimarra (Trichoptera: Philopotamidae) using molecular methods. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 79: 433–442.
Wahlberg, E., Baiao, G.C., Häggqvist, S., Martinsson, S., Pistone, D. & Pape, T. (2014). Ancistrocerus waldenii waldenii (Viereck 1906)(Hymenoptera: Vespidae, Eumeninae), a new addition to the fauna of Greenland. Zootaxa 3838: 143–150.
Wahlberg, E. & Solbreck, C. (2013). Hymenoptera flying over a boreal forest landscape. Entomologisk Tidskrift 134: 163–171.


Övriga uppdrag enligt offert / Other assignments according to quotation

  • Konsultation / Consultation
  • Rådgivning / consultation
  • Utredning / investigation
  • Forskning / research
  • Inventeringar / inventations
  • Artbestämningar / species determinations
  • 950 SEK

    per timme / per hour
    exkl. moms / excl. VAT
  • Granskningar / Reviews
  • Granskningar / reviews
  • Korrektur / proofreading
  • 1200 SEK

    per timme / per hour
    exkl. moms / excl. VAT
  • Utbildning / Education
  • Kurser / courses
  • Föredrag / lectures
  • Undervisning / teaching
  • 1500 SEK

    per timme / per hour
    exkl. moms / excl. VAT

Tidigare arbeten / Previous works

Exempel / Examples

2022. Inventering av fauna. ArtLab Gnesta, Gnesta. / 2022. Local inventory of invertebrate fauna. ArtLab Gnesta, Sweden.
2022. Konsultation åt konstnär Sara Ekholm Eriksson (Konstutställningen “High tide fine line”). 2022. Consultant for artist Sara Ekholm Eriksson (“High tide fine line” art exhibition). ArtLab Gnesta, Sweden.
2017–2018. Konsultation och faktagranskning av barnbok, “Bebisfabriken” av Katy Kimbell & Li Söderberg. / 2017–2018. Consultant and fact-checking for children’s book, “Bebisfabriken” by Katy Kimbell & Li Söderberg.
Svenska insekter (http://arthropoda.se/svenskainsekter/). En digital bestämningsnyckel till sveriges insekter. Riktar sig till amatörer och studenter. / Svenska insekter (http://arthropoda.se/svenskainsekter/). A digital identification key to Swedish insects, in Swedish only. Aimed towards amateurs and students.


Vill du arbeta tillsammans eller har du frågor? Kontakta mig!

Do you want to work together or have questions? Contact me!

Björnlunda, Södermanland, Sverige

E-post / E-mail: emma.wahlberg@arthropoda.se

Telefon / Phone: +46(0)79 355 02 88